
2011-05-21 3129

《激战2》的开发公司NCsoft财务总监Jaeho Lee透漏:公司确定游戏将在今年下半年测试,并暗示有望明年正式运营。
Jaeho Lee 称:“2012伊始,随着重磅大作如《剑灵》《激战2》的上市,网游的市场的盈利将会大幅增长。今年下半年《激战2》将进入测试阶段。”



Guild Wars 2 beta this year – Ncsoft
Eurogamer is reporting that during a conference call, Jaeho Lee (Chief Financial Officer) confirmed that a Guild Wars 2 beta is on the way later this year, and also that the CFO hinted at a possible 2012 release for the game.
The Guild Wars 2 beta will begin in the second half of 2011, NCsoft has announced.

During a conference call, chief financial officer Jaeho Lee also heavily hinted at a 2012 release for the game.

"Starting from year 2012, we believe substantial growth will be driven by new blockbuster titles like [Blade & Soul] and Guild Wars 2," announced Lee to investors.

"Also, Guild Wars 2 will go into beta testing stage in the second half of this year," he added.

"Starting from year 2012, we believe substantial growth will be driven by new blockbuster titles like [Blade & Soul] and Guild Wars 2," announced Lee to investors.

"Also, Guild Wars 2 will go into beta testing stage in the second half of this year," he added.


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