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2011-05-21 2345

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士兵:单手剑/ 双手剑/ 矛

法师:攻击/ 治愈/ buffer

弓箭手:弓/ 弩

在30级的时候得到第二职业任务。根据玩家在Silaris各自的职业训练师得到不同的任务。玩家可以通过移动的水晶进入Rein River以达到Silaris然后坐上坐骑到达Silaris。或者直接付金币从Alpen进入Silaris。






当玩家使用buff和attack的时候。守护者灵魂就会被召唤;和ASDA Story相比,守护者灵魂在体积上有所减小。当能量棒充满的时候,玩家可以使用守护者灵魂技能攻击一个或多个敌人。最棒的是,只有一部分的角色可以使用技能树,玩家只能使用职业适合的守护者技能。如果不想看到自己的守护者,或者其他任何人,可以选择隐藏他们。



Asda2 有一些类型的任务:普通,公告,和组队。玩家在NPC那里得到普通任务,可以单独行动。不过团队完成任务要快一点哦。公告栏任务是可以重复完成的,可以一直做到玩家升到一定的级别。然后任务会自动消失,公告栏上再出现一个新任务。



















一对一决斗没有什么新奇的地方。不过我注意到法师的sleep 技能效力会有所减弱。大概有70%的几率。Fear技能也会有所减弱。



asda 2 : Introduction:

ASDA 2 is the Best Free MMO RPG. Free Online Multi Role Playing Game, free download RPG, best free to play MMO, Manga Animation. Asda 2 features its Soul Mate System, best party system.

 1. Classes

When you finally reached level 10. You'll get a popup window that will give you three choices - warrior, mage, and archer. If you select one of these they will lead you to your job trainer. They're basically all in the same area so you don't have to worry about getting lost.

Warrior: One handed sword | Two handed sword | Spear

Mage: Attack | Healer | Buffer

Archer: Bow | Crossbow

You get your 2nd job quest to advance whatever you chose at level 30 and the quest will be available from your respective job trainer in Silaris. You can get to Silaris by going through the moving crystal to Rein River and then using your mount to get to the portal to Silaris; or pay a bit of gold to transport directly to Silaris from Alpen.


To learn your skills in asda 2 you must go to your job trainer. You must be a certain level and have a required amount of gold to purchase them. You can't cross your skills into different trees any more which is good for some people and bad for others. I enjoy that idea, though because people like buffers for example hardly had any use in parties. With this change it allows for more people to get involved.

Note: You don't have unlimited skill points so use them wisely.

Soul Guardians

Soul guardians are beings that are "summoned" as you use buffs and attacks; they are reduced in size compared to those on asda story. Once the bar fills up you can use your soul guardian skill to attack one or multiple enemies. What is awesome is now that the skill trees are only available to the proper characters, you only get that class's appropriate guardian skill to use. If you don't want to see your guardian, or anybody's for that matter, there are options you can disable to hide them.

2. Quests

Asda 2 has a few types of quests: normal, bulletin, and party. Normal quests are missions you get from any of the NPC's that you can do alone if you prefer to. Though, it may take longer compared to being in a party. Bulletin board quests are repeatable until you reach a particular level in which case they disappear from the board and the next level quest becomes available to you.

Party quests (otherwise known as "protect ____") are quests that you probably should get a party for. They usually involve killing monsters with higher health than the others around the area and a mini boss or two. You can use "j" or "u" to open the window to find people you can party. There are supposed to be dungeons, but during the CBT there were none available at the time.

Tip: I advise you to do quests as much as possible because experience isn't going to come easy from just grinding alone. On the other hand, it may provide for more gold and drops in the long run considering that monsters out of your experience level range won't drop anything any more (at least from what I experienced). So you could grind and stock up on gold and items if that's more your type of playing style.

Even though there are a ton of quests to do there's not a lot of variety. Further down the road things like clan or soulmate quests could be fun. Possibly some quests that require crafting things to complete or quests that are for a mini boss that only appears at day or night in a particular area.

5. PVP

1 vs. 1

To duel someone right click them and select to do so. If they accept a countdown will start and then you pretty much kick each other's butt or get yours handed to you.

3. Weapon & Armor

Well, you know how to get from place to place and level up, but what about dressing better? There are a few ways to get gear; those ways happen to be as quest rewards, from monster drops, the gear shop, exchange market, personal shops, crafting, or fishing.

There are now some sets that give stats based on how many of the pieces to the set you are wearing. Wearing 3, 4 , or 5 pieces will give you bonus set effects. I always wondered if asda would implement something like this because I had seen it on some other games. I can't wait to start collecting some sets.

4. Crafting

The crafting done on asda 2 has to be done at the blacksmith. You can either get recipes from monster drops or you can buy some basic ones from the craft NPC. To learn the recipes simply open your inventory and double click on them. If you have already mastered the recipe it will say so.

 Note: When you craft items, such as rings and necklaces, they go through the common, uncommon, and rare phases; if it succeeds common it will try for uncommon and if it succeeds uncommon it will try for rare. Crafting is NOT 100% so expect some failures. In the case that it fails you will receive whatever rarity it last succeeded on. If it fails on common then you will not receive an item. Whoever came up with this idea was brilliant.


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