美服PvP MMO《EpicDuel》将于本周实施更新

2011-06-29 831

adventurequest worlds的研发商artix 娱乐公司旗下的pvpmmo《epicduel》将会在本周更新,在此次更新中,将会扩大“delta”的剧情内容。delta 会见证三位宜玩的人物的新技术和能力的升级。最新的美服游戏币交易行情,最及时的游戏币价格,尽在专业玩家网!比价器全新改版,更快,更准。


epicduel 玩家可以与朋友自行组队迎战其他强大的上级団。除了加入战斗的变化,开发商还重新设计了财富城(游戏中的主要城市),并会发布一款新型强有力的剑,新的npcs和新的成果,甚至是只有玩家亲自登录体验才能了解的超秘密事件。美服游戏币交易价格查询,请关注专业玩家网比价器,全新改版,为您提供更准确的游戏币价格。

general : epicduel pvp mmo to be updated

artix entertainment, developers of adventurequest worlds, has announced that its pvp mmo, epicduel, will be updated later this week with the 'delta' content expansion. delta will see three of the playable characters upgraded with new skills and abilities.

in the new release, players will see the addition of three new class evolutions – these are upgraded (or evolved) versions of existing character classes with extra skills and abilities. players will have to learn new strategies for playing and defeating players with these new classes. also, delta release will bring one of the most anticipated mechanics to the game: the all new 2v1 boss battle mechanic where for the first time, epicduel players will be able to team up with a friend to battle ultra-powerful bosses. aside from these battle-changing additions, the developers have also completely redesigned fortune city (the main city in the game), and will be releasing a powerful new sword, new npcs, a new achievement, and even some top-secret things that you’ll have to log in to see!




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