美服《Faxion OL》“Inquisition”更新上线 相关内容一览

2011-07-01 2327

utv true games 正式公开了《faxion online》下一个主要的更新内容“inquisition(审讯)”的相关情报。本次更新中,不仅优化了游戏,而且升级了现有游戏系统,公会战斗同时上线。最新的美服游戏币交易行情,最及时的游戏币价格,尽在专业玩家网!比价器全新改版,更快,更准。

在新版本中,公会会长可以对其他公会发起挑战,此次挑战将会在世界公告。战争可以持续一天甚至二周的时间,这将会让公会付出相当大的代价。但公会可以选择投降谈判,用物品和黄金交换,并要求没收奖品来单方面地解决,否则就要决一死战。新的告示牌会追踪每个公会的记录,没有入会的玩家还可以临时加入公会战的战斗队伍中,协助该公会进行公会战.最新最全的国外游戏 ,全球最大的美服游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!



UTV True Games has announced that the next major update to Faxion Online will contain the 'Inquisition' feature. Inquisition will allow rival guilds to declare war on one another. The update will also contain enhancement and system upgrades.

Guild leaders may wage war on other guilds-even within their own faction-by declaring an Inquisition at the Guild Hall, which is then announced to the entire community. Wars can last from one day to two weeks, with a commensurate cost to the guild. Guilds have the option to negotiate a surrender with the exchange of items and gold, request unilateral absolution with the forfeit of tokens, or battle it out to the bloody end. A new Leaderboard will track each guild's record, and non-affiliated players may be enlisted temporarily.



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