
2012-03-21 1701

虽然《暗黑破坏神3》在5月15日发售时不会加入PVP模式,但是在今年它不可避免的会和《火炬之光2》来一场PVP较量。《火炬之光2》的开发商Runic最近表示,他们不怕与暴雪正面交锋。【相关阅读: 《暗黑3》与《火炬2》你选谁?一张图让你全面了解这两款游戏】专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDKVPN代理,来这里,是你最正确的选择!





如今我们的承诺也没有改变。无论有什么对手,哪怕遭到丧尸入侵也不会改变这一点。我们相信最好的商业模式就是从事喜爱的事业,全身心的投入,创造出值得自己自豪的东西。广大的游戏工作室 朋友应选择信誉较好的收货商家出货,让问题尽可能少的出现在游戏出货环节。






We know a lot of you are worried about us. We've heard what you're saying, and sure we've had similar discussions. But we began making the first Torchlight in 2008 when development on Diablo III was already underway. We didn't let that be a reason that we couldn't make an RPG. We made the commitment to create a game we loved to play. That's what's important to us, and that's why we go to work every day.

Our commitment is the same today. It doesn't matter what gets announced, or who gets elected, or if there's a zombie attack. (Well actually, in a zombie attack we might leave our desks, but only to smash them into weapons.) We believe that the best business model is to do what you love, to give it everything you've got, and to make something you'll be proud of.

There will be unforeseen challenges along the way, no matter what business you're in. We've chosen to stay small with a total team of 32. We want to be the company that works hard and makes something we love. We know we have a lot of fans out there who've had a chance to play early builds of Torchlight II at conventions around the world, and are eagerly awaiting the sequel. We want you to have the best darn game we can make. We're pretty sure that we want this game out more than anyone (not just so that we can resume a normal sleep schedule!) - but we are going to do it right. That's our commitment to you, and to ourselves.

We're happy for the team at Blizzard - it's been a long haul for them. We are looking forward to our home stretch too.


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