《荒野星球》:制作商透露游戏基础就是造房 新视频详细介绍房屋情况

2012-08-03 1917





答:《荒野星球》里的功能比玩家们想要的还强大。我们下年会针对整个系统和大家仔细说说,但是我们想玩家们会对我们的游戏设置感到惊喜的。最新最全的热门游戏 ,全球最大的游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!


The WildStar team is ready to reveal new information about housing in the game. According to the video, players can create houses on Nexus with a great deal of customization and freedom.

Q: Why should I bother with housing?

A: We set out to make housing a pillar of our game and one that brings more than just a place to decorate and hang out. We wanted players to use their homes for meet ups and as a one-stop hub for many of the other aspects of our game. WildStar's housing is more than a house and a plot of land, it is a destination within the game that they can make their own and use to their advantage. Our housing will offer something for everyone, whether you prefer fighting, crafting, socializing, participating in events or tooling with customization. We could go on for days on the pure benefits and features that will available within housing and why it provides something for everyone, but we'll be sharing more in the coming months.

Q: How does housing in WildStar differ from other MMO housing systems?

A: Let's just say that WildStar offers players more than the ability to stake their claim. We have many more details we'll reveal next year about the overall system, but we think players will be surprised and excited about the depth we plan to provide.



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