《死亡边境》:僵尸洪潮来袭 死亡恐怖下的逃生

2012-08-04 2420





Zombies are all the rage this summer and Dead Frontier gives players a chance to slice and dice their way through hordes of the undead. But is it fun? Find out in our latest review.

The zombie apocalypse has been an entertaining subject for my time on this earth. A lot of cinema and games have been released using an outbreak of flesh-munching corpses as the primary threat. Walking Dead extremely successful franchise now, so the idea really has become a genre in and of itself. From flops like Dead Island to successfully recurring series’ like Resident Evil, nothing comes close to the experience of bashing in an unnamed walking cadaver’s skull in. Dead Frontier was no different, although for many reasons this will not be my top contender for zombie carnage.




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