《Microvolts》:新添炸弹战斗模式 制造炸弹争抢爆炸先机

2012-08-06 1650

Rock Hippo公司宣布游戏《Microvolts》最新添加了炸弹战斗模式。在这个模式中,对立的团队要赶在另一方之前制造和使用一种炸弹。最先发射炸弹的一组将是最后赢家。

 Micro 世界将被笼罩在威胁阴影下,只有最快和最强大的玩家团结起来才能拯救它!最新的竞赛模式,炸弹战斗里,玩家应尽力阻止敌人制造炸弹。敌人的成功意味着对方玩家在致命炸弹爆炸前可以稍微缓和一些了。专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDK代理IP,来这里,是你最正确的选择!



Rock Hippo has announced the latest addition to MicroVolts with the arrival of Bomb Battle Mode. During Bomb Battle Mode, opposing teams try to plant and arm a bomb before the other team stops them. The first team's bomb to go off is declared the winner.

The Micro World is under threat, and only the swiftest and mightiest MicroVolters working as a team can save it! The latest competitive mode, Bomb Battle, will have MicroVolters working overtime to prevent the enemy from planting and arming the bomb. Enemy success means it's up to players on the opposing team to defuse the deadly bomb before it blows up.



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