《魔兽世界OL》:游戏历经十年 公开暴雪公司的辛苦历程

2012-08-07 3017






你可以说这个主意,Irvine和CA早就想到了,因为他们可能是最伟大的游戏观察者,。《EverQuest》、《Asheron's Call》和《Lineage》都出了续集,而且无一例外的都遇到了那个成功前的问题:怎样让玩家从一个老游戏里走出来再去接受一个新游戏?目前暴雪的答案很简单:你不能,你只要加强创作力,不强行把世界固在一些岛屿上,也不把初学者和资深玩家之间的差距拉得太大就行了。










Blizzard Entertainment is arguably the "king of the MMO hill" right now. In a new column, we take a look at potential next steps for the gaming giant. See what you think and then add your comments to the mix.

Love 'em or hate 'em, those guys and gals at Blizzard are still the incumbent monarchs of the MMORPG realm. World of Warcraft is now heading into its eighth year of existence, and with a few minor bumps on the road of subscription, the game is still holding firm with just under ten million loyal players.

We've had Burning Crusades, Lich Kings, grumpy dragons, and now Kung Fu Pandas - and there's still no end in sight. Say what you will about Blizzard's particular brand of MMOing, but the intelligence and guile of its development team is something to admire. Almost a decade later, people are still as plugged in to the world of Azeroth as ever: which other online game has managed that feat?

You could say the minds over at Irvine, CA, have managed all of this because they are possibly gaming's greatest observers. EverQuest, Asheron's Call, and Lineage all released sequels, and without exception, all stumbled over that question of succession - how do you detach players from one game, and coax them into investing as much time in a new one? So far Blizzard's answer has been one of collective simplicity: you can't - just expand creatively, without forcing the world into a mass of glued on islands, with newbies and veterans miles apart in terms of progression.

And I think most will agree that this approach has worked thus far. The myth of WoW has grown, its popularity soared, and for almost ten years it has dominated the online scene - but like Echo and the Bunnymen sung: "nothing lasts forever."

World of Warcraft, graceful as it may be, is starting to show its age. The engine is tired, the mechanics all-too-familiar, and now after years of treading through the same dusty patches of Azeroth, most of us are starting to develop that new world itch. We want a sequel or a new IP; something else to stomp our boots all over and corrupt in entirely different ways: what's it going to be Blizz?






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