《RaiderZ》:公开Grakulen对游戏的看法 虽是山寨《Tera》 但动作性比较强

2012-08-11 2092







除了这名字有些好笑之外,我的确蛮喜欢这游戏的。我们玩时发现这里面有一些很明显的错误需要改正,现在先不提。拼写和语法方面我希望他们能够做到更符合西 方的文化。如果你是个色盲,这游戏字母要不是红色你还真看不出来。绿的你就不行了。我们的grak jr.指出了这一点。我希望完美世界能够在发行前把个问题处理一下,别让这个问题影响了整个游戏。

我总觉得这游戏像山寨版的《tera》。声明一下,这也不是一件坏事。熟悉我的人都知道我非常喜欢《tera》,我甚至从测试版开始就做了一系列关于枪骑 兵和一些地下城的视频。我还努力想赢得罗技科技的g700.真要谢谢en masse和罗技科技公司。我把它叫做山寨版《tera》因为这游戏太像它了。左键攻击,右键防御,还有特别多的躲闪。你是有自己特定的技能,你可以在宣 传中主推这一点,但它和《tera》太像不过整体质量不行。


这游戏也并不完全克隆了《tera》。这两款游戏都是因为打怪兽而有吸引力,但是方式上还是不同的。《raiderz》并没有圆形铣刀类。游戏一开始就有 四种原始人物原型,但你不会一直使用它们。当你升级后你会从不同的地方买来新的人才。你可以根据不同武器的装备切换不同的角色。

有没有我真正喜欢的?制造。我有些痴迷于制造。在这款游戏里npcs 要求你来制造。你要走出去根据图形来收集原材料并把它们带给npcs。你可以从npcs 那那里集齐图形,这会列在你的屏幕上。这些东西越稀有,从mobs那里手收集来就越不易。就像第一个区域里杀死爬虫取得海盗装那样不简单。




MMORPG.com's prolific streamer, Grakulen, is breaking the ice on his new blog, The Game Cooler, with some thoughts on Perfect World Entertainment's free-to-play monster-hunting MMO, RaiderZ!

Hey everyone.  I have had a few people ask me for me impressions of the RaiderZ beta so far and since I have not been asked to do an article on it I thought I would go ahead and start one of these here fancy pants blogs and post up my impressions. Deal? Ok.

As an FYI this will be much less formal than anything else I write so consider yourself warned.

Last weekend I received an e-mail from PWE with instructions on how to download and install the closed beta Raider Zeeeeee client and a request to stream the game before the general public had access to it.  Up until this point I had seen a few article about it here and there but the game really hadn't piqued my interest; however, being a good natured gent I thought to myself, "Self, sure, why not?".

I downloaded the client (at the time only about 3.5g) extracted it, set it up, and let it set on my computer for a few days.

Really.  I feel like I should be in a cheesy frat house when we play this game.  Chill man, we got some Raider Zeeee up in this piece.  Also from now on I will never pronounce it Raiders, it will always be Raider Zeeeee.

Silly name spelling aside I did enjoy my time with the game.  There are some obvious localization errors that will more than likely be corrected by the time the game goes live so we won't talk about those.  Spelling and grammar aside I hope they pick up on the subtle things that are common to the west.  If you are color blind you'll never notice this one but when you accept things the word is in red.  When you decline things the word is in green.  My Grak Jr. (who is 7) picked up on this.  Where you at PW?  I hope you get that one fixed before the game goes live.  While obviously not game breaking it feels a little lazy to let that slide.

I spent a lot of time referring to the game as a "Poor Man's Tera."  To clarify, that isn't a bad thing.  Those that have followed me for a while know that I really like Tera.  I even did a series of videos on Lancer game play from beta, and a few dungeon walkthroughs.  I managed to win a Logitech G700 for my efforts.  Thank you En Masse and Logitech.  I called it a Poor Man's Tera because the game controls play a lot like Tera.  You can attack with left mouse, block with right mouse.  You have active dodging.  You have special abilities that you can place on your hot bar and the artistic style is generally the same but of lower quality.

Yes. The graphics are not as good as Tera.  I have read people state this game is beautiful.  Unless you have been playing all the current games on your T-80 calculator this game is not beautiful.  It isn't horrible either.

This game is NOT a Tera clone though. Both of these games draw influence from monster hunter but they have taken divergent paths.  Raider Zeeee does not have cookie cutter classes.  You will start the game off as one of four archetypes but you will not have to stick with them.  When you level up you can purchase talents from the four different  trees.  You can switch between the character types based on what weapons you equip.

Another thing that I really like?  Crafting.  I'm sort of a crafting nerd.  I like to craft.  In this game the NPCs do the crafting for you.  You get to go out and collect the materials for the patterns and bring them back to the NPCs.  You can collect the pattern from the NPC and it will display on the side of your screen like quest objectives.  Based on the rarity of the items the harder the mobs you will have to collect the materials from, up to boss level mobs.  An example of this is to kill the Crawler in the first zone to make the Pirate outfit.

That's it for my first impression.  If you like action MMOs I suggest you download the game.  We are giving away free closed beta keys on the site. I have a 5 month old trying to chew on my arm now so I'm going to leave it here.  I'll post more thoughts as the beta goes on.



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