《激战2》:8月25日游戏试用开始 有可能比预定时间提前三小时

2012-08-16 2712


购买前有3天的试用期:每一个想要购买《激战2》的人可以享受三天的试玩,试玩的开始时间是太平洋时间8月25日0:00 AM(格林威治标准时间为7:00)。无论如何,请注意,为了确保我们对这个时间的充分准备,我们可能会提前三小时启动服务器。如果你想第一个进入系统来获取你想要的角色,那你就要随时提前三小时注意了。专业玩家网韩服游戏收货网商家信誉经过专业玩家网认证但只能说明当前信誉良好,交易还需谨慎!



The Guild Wars 2 blog has been updated with a pair of exciting announcements as the game nears the head start launch date. The first lays out the exact times that players will be able to access the game depending on the prepurchase option chosen. Also, the team has revealed the final list of world names for both the US and the EU.

Pre-Purchase with 3-Day Headstart: Everyone who pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 will enjoy three full days of Headstart Access. The three-day Headstart Access will officially begin at 0:00 AM Pacific time (GMT -7:00) on August 25th. However, please note that in order to ensure that we’re fully prepared for that fateful hour we may bring servers online up to 3 hours prior. If you’re a player committed to getting in first to grab that character name of your dreams you’ll want to be keeping an eye on things during that time period.



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