《Dragon Knights OL》:公开武士新视频 独家角色大解说

2012-08-17 1745

MMORPG网和《Dragon Knights OL》的开发团队一起为我们读者第一时间解读游戏武士阶级,还未大家带来了一段精彩视频。下面请看我们的独家报道:



武士可以双手都装备武器,在家里他们几乎都装备着标志性的剑和盾。现在,我们知道你可能看见老式的“剑和木板”并自动会想到“坦克”,很好我们可以稍稍来说一下一般的角色(别担心,很快会回到主题的)。《Dragon Knights OL》采用古老的“坦克、治疗师和dps”三位一体的形式并且以之为标志。游戏里的这几类的创建考虑到多功能的测量,所以他们不是分成特定的角色和不需要指定的坦克、治疗师的组就能成功的。



我们都知道一个武士自然有一个具有毁灭性攻击的技能池,我们想要强调其中的一个非常有用的技能,就是“清除”,它可以把你周围所有负面因素都消掉,而且可以授予你临时免疫状态。这可能不是你在混战中想要的技能,但是它是来突出我们在上文中提到的《DK OL》所有类别的关键点:多功能性。这样你就有很多实用的工具来选择使用而不会有一种被塞进一个特定角色的感觉。





MMORPG.com and the Dragon Knights Online (DK Online) team have partnered to bring our readers a first look at the Warrior class. We've got an exclusive developer blog and trailer to show off this awesome class. Read on!

We thought we’d take a break from hacking and slamming monsters to give you a taste of what it’s like! Just as with our recent spotlight of the Sorceress, we’re giving the Warrior some love to get you melee lovers a sneak peak of what you can expect from these walking whirlwinds of weaponry.

While Warriors can equip two-handed weapons, they’re most at home with the iconic sword and shield combo. Now, we know you may see the old “sword-and-board” and automatically think “tank,” but this is a good time for a short detour to talk a little bit about class roles in general (don’t worry, we’ll get back to the Warrior soon enough). DK Online takes the age-old “tank, healer, dps” trinity and turns it on its head. The classes in this game are built with a measure of versatility in mind, so that they aren’t pigeon-holed into specific roles and groups don’t need to have a designated tank and healer to be successful.

So with that being said, the Warrior can definitely take a good beating—a bit more than some of the other classes, which of course makes sense—but they aren’t just meat shields for “glass cannons” to hide behind. A well-geared Warrior is more than capable of dealing vicious amounts of damage to enemies foolish enough to stand in their way.

Our Favorite: We all know that a Warrior naturally has an arsenal of devastating physical attacks, so rather than highlight one of those we’d like instead to call out a very helpful ability called Purge, which removes all negative status effects on those around you and grants temporary immunity to debuffs. This isn’t the type of ability you might expect to come with a rampaging melee fighter, but it serves to highlight the key aspect of all classes in DK Online that we mentioned earlier: versatility. Instead of feeling shoe-horned into a particular role, you have several tools at your disposal for a good degree of utility.

We hope we’ve shed a bit of light on what you can expect from the Warrior, as well from the philosophy toward classes in general. Check back with us in the future for more details!




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