僵尸游戏《DayZ》:单机版的开发已启动 游戏同时会做较大调整

2012-08-18 8263

目前你知道僵尸游戏《DayZ》有单机版的消息吗?在8月7日,Rocket通过微博宣布了《DayZ》的单机版项目开始启动。令人惊讶的是,Rocket还说,这个游戏也会随着单机版的研发一起做调整。起先我们并没有得到太多这方面消息,只是听说游戏会仿照Mojang的《我的世界》的模式来进行。游戏很快会重新开发,将会更合玩家心意,到时候在Alpha平台上也会有一个相当惊喜的折扣!最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息尽在专业玩家网



What do we know so far about the standalone version of DayZ?On August 7, Rocket announced via Twitter that the DayZ standalone project had received the green light. Surprisingly, Rocket has also committed to continuing development on the DayZ mod in parallel to the standalone project. We didn’t learn too much about the standalone at first, only that the game would follow Mojang’s Minecraft model in that the game would be iterated on quickly and be made available to players at a significant discount even while in an Alpha state.



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