《Sword Girls OL》:发布第二季 巫女Rose Pacifica混进十字军骑士

2012-08-20 2087


十字军骑士Rose:Rose Pacifica是另一个巫女,也是Cinia的姐姐,第一季里主要的Academy人物,但是她和Academy已经断了很久的联系。当她姐姐Linia发现Rose是一个巫女时,她就被家族扫地出门并被迫过起了流浪的生活。在第一季结束时,Rose在森林里发现了一个失去记忆的女孩,于是她决定来保护她。Rose和这个叫做Veltier的女孩一起加入了十字军骑士。其实十字军是非常痛恶巫师的,可是谁又会知道在自己的军队里有一个名符其实的巫师呢?专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供各类热门游戏点卡销售,充值等服务,应用尽有,放心选购。


Zeonix has announced that Sword Girls Season 2 has officially launched with a new story arc for players to enjoy. The site has been updated with information about the new faction leaders.

Crux: Crux Knight Rose  Rose Pacifica is another witch, as well as a sister to Cinia, the main Academy character of the first season, but her ties to the Academy were cut a long time ago. When Linia, her eldest sister, discovered Rose was a witch, she was exiled from the family and forced to take up a life of wandering. In the weeks since the end of Season 1, Rose found a girl in the forest who lost her memory and decided to protect her. Together, Rose and the girl, who she called Veltier, joined the Crux Knights. While Crux abhors witches, who would ever suspect that a witch would be hiding among their own? 


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