《DUST 514》:玩家可以使用游戏全部配件系统

2012-08-21 1737

PlayStation的博客更新了一则消息,说《DUST 514》的玩家可以在游戏里通过移动功能相互联系了,这包括“定制、社区、商业功能和个人简历”。




The PlayStation.blog has been updated with news that DUST 514 players will be able to keep in touch with the game via mobile features including "customization, community and commerce features onto the Vita".

A quick hands-on session with the app demostrated just how much functionality CCP has managed to squeeze in. Players will have access to the complete Fittings system – allowing you to tinker with your weapon load-outs, armour and various vehicle configurations. And as Eve afficionados will likely be well aware, this is almost a game unto itself, with thousands and thousands of different combinations available.



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