《海盗101》:创建角色需要会搭配服饰 游戏限定角色姓名

2012-08-21 1911

《海盗101》是KingsIsle工作室近期推出的游戏,他们也出过《 Wizard 101》。最近该游戏将要进行内测,跟着我们来对游戏有个第一印象吧!




Pirate 101 is the latest game from KingsIsle Studio, developers of Wizard 101. The game is currently in closed beta testing but we've got a hands on 'first impressions' look at the game. Read on!

The game begins, of course, with character creation. It’s a fun little romp that begins with players meeting Boochbeard and Gandry. They work with the player to escape from the brig into which they’ve been thrown. It’s a great way to get characters created and players are given a lot of flexibility both in terms of choosing exactly what type of character they want to play as well as a lot of customization in look from hair to facial expression to clothing worn, even to the creation of a player flag. Character names are chosen from a gigantic list of first, middle and last names that can be randomized or individually selected. This keeps a lid on inappropriate names but, believe me, there’s plenty to choose from. Just ask Fearless Catherine Windlass.



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