《激战2》:公开游戏发布前大家的看法 力顶游戏创新

2012-08-25 2048






就我而言,我很喜欢这次的《激战2》。我都有些等不及了。ArenaNet的确在忙些什么,而且看Tyria从现在开始成长真的很令人兴奋。最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息尽在专业玩家网



Guild Wars 2 is now less than 24 hours until the head start program begins and just a few days before its worldwide release. So many hopes hang on its success. Before all the craziness begins, we want to offer our thoughts about the game. See what you think and then add your ideas to the comments.

It’s been a really fantastic year for MMO gamers so far. I know that there have been rough spots, but on the whole, there have been a lot of excellent games to play this year. But none of them can really compare to what’s on deck for August 28th. World of Warcraft wasn’t my first MMO, but I remember standing in line on opening night to pick up my Collector’s Edition in November of 2004. I remember the feeling during the beta that I was in on one hell of a revolutionary experience. I remember playing that game and feeling like it would break the MMO genre wide open.

And it did.

But nearly eight years have passed since then, and for half of those I’ve been right there with many of you clamoring for change in the MMO genre. No more WoW-alikes. Give us something refreshing! We’re getting it this year. To varying degrees, many games have been trying to break the mold in one way or another. But only ArenaNet seems to be on the verge of breaking that mold and reforming it anew for other companies to follow suit.

I hope they succeed.  I hope the game sells millions, and that players and suits the world over take notice of what ingenuity can achieve. I hope that the post-launch hype continues as strongly as the pre-launch wave, and that all of our excitement doesn’t fizzle out for years. I hope all this because I not only do I want to see ArenaNet rewarded for their bold design goals, but also because I want a company that tries to make something different actually get rewarded. If we want to keep seeing new takes on the genre we’ve all grown to love and hate equally, we need to support the boldness these developers take.

So for me, my final thought? I love what I’ve seen of Guild Wars 2. I can’t wait to see more. ArenaNet really is onto something, and it’s going to be fun watching how Tyria grows from here on out. 



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