《Runescape》:曝光Al Kharid重建视频 观众们非常认同

2012-08-25 1758

在近期的幕后特辑中,《runescape》的开发者检查了al kharid城的重建,观众们对游戏设置的观念非常赞同,来看看:

al kharid城正在整修,这次我们来看一下这么大的一个工程师怎样从一个人们的想法在《runescape》里实现的。我们请来了画家,雕塑家和动画家,并且一步步看着它被创建,是的,现在我们就来先睹为快!最新最全的热门游戏,全球最大的游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!


In the latest Behind the Scenes video, RuneScape devs take a look at the rebuilding process for the city of Al Kharid. Viewers get a terrific look at the process from concept to in-game finished product. See what you think!

Al Kharid is under construction and in this weeks Behinds the Scenes we look at how a massive project like this goes from an idea in someone's head to actually making it into RuneScape. We meet artists, modellers and animators and look at the creative process step by step. And yes, there are loads of sneak peeks at the all new Al Kharid。


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