《Requiem》:九月登陆Facebook网 带来新挑战模式Chaste Sanctum

2012-08-27 4071


为了准备在脸谱网上的发布,游戏开发者们花了很长一段时间看了《Requiem》的介绍并且从最初的第1级区域一直到最后的85级都作了大量的变动。脸谱网版的《Requiem》也加入了一个新团体挑战模式:Chaste Sanctum是一个地下城实例,允许许多玩家进入,进行社交和寻宝来过关进入到恐怖的地下墓穴,这里会出现最可怕的怪物!最新最全的热门游戏,全球最大的游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!



Requiem is coming to Facebook in all of its glory. Requiem will not be 'just another Facebook game' but will give players the same in-game experience they enjoy with the stand alone client.

To prepare for the Facebook launch, the game developers took a long look at Requiem’s introduction and have made numerous changes all the way from level one starting areas, to the cap of level 85. The Facebook edition of Requiem also introduces a new type of party challenge: Chaste Sanctum is an instanced dungeon intended for multiple players to enter, socialize in, and grab treasure while completing quests that take them deeper into the haunted catacombs where the most horrifying monsters yet will appear.



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