《火炬之光2》:独家曝光Max Schaefer访谈录 游戏视觉效果震撼逼真

2012-09-03 2081

在周五的西雅图游戏展上,我们了解到了即将到来的Runic工作室和完美世界娱乐公司的游戏《火炬之光2》一些消息,很高兴有机会采访了Max Shaefer,下面来看看他都给我们带来了什么。










During PAX Prime on Friday, we had the opportunity to check out Torchlight II, the upcoming ARPG from Runic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment. We had the pleasure to talk with Max Shaefer and to get a bit of hands on time with TL2. Read on!

Since I got here first, I got to announce that. Perfect World Entertainment and Runic Games announced that Torchlight II would be arriving on September 20th during yesterday's PAX Prime. We were on hand to chat up the team about the exciting development and got our hands on the new and improved Act 2 of the game.

As with the first Torchlight, the game has what I call a "WoW feel" to it. By this I mean that its graphics are less "realistic" (if such a thing can be said about a video game in the first place) and are more cartoon-like. It's a compliment in my book to say this for the record. The style works for Torchlight II. It's easy on the eyes with bright colors and larger-than-life weapons, monsters, buidings, etc. The environments are cool too. In short, the look of Torchlight II is terrific.

I rolled an Engineer to check out Act II, a location where players are sent out on quests into the desert environments. The Engineer is a fun class to play, definitely the DPS tank of the game. Engineers combine sheer strength with technology to deliver a devestating 1-2 punch to monsters. My girl was swinging a hammer with such astonishing speed and power that I literally mowed through the mobs I encountered. The Engineer also comes with the ability to keep herself healed with a turret that follows the player. In addition, she can summon minions to help out.
Monsters, as with Torchlight I, come fast and in big numbers. Players will need to be prepared for fights with tons of action. Having skills ready to deploy will be a strategic necessity.
The skill effects are really beautiful as well. When that big hammer strikes, it does so with a colorful abandon. The devestating attack she unleashed after charging it up was amazing with bad guys being hurled through the air or just flattened where they stood.
Runic has made a lot of nice improvements since Torchlight I. The game plays smoothly and it looks great. It's a lot of fun and is a game that will likely satisfy disappointed or bored Diablo 3 players. It's definitely a game for people to keep an eye on and is a must-have for fans of the action RPG genre.  In short? I loved it. You won't see me much on September 20th.





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