《激战2》:保持神秘探险主题 玩家分享探险经历

2012-09-05 2128







One of the larger themes for Guild Wars 2 is the idea of exploration. In our latest GW2 column, we take a look at exploration in all its various forms. Check it out before leaving your thoughts in the comments.

I love when games add in some lore, and let you walk around in a world to see some of the great landscapes that you hear or read about.  You used to find this in only traditional RPG games, but now games of all genres are using this tactic to draw players in.  ArenaNet played with this idea a bit, putting in all these great areas to discover, you just have to find them first instead of waiting for them to find you.

ArenaNet wants you to go out and discover things in the game.  Even when I don’t think I’m trying to, I’m exploring. Renown hearts and events are a major part of the gameplay. The player completes these events to further their characters’ progression.  While you can have a scout to reveal some parts of the map, you still need to go out and explore in order to find all the dynamic events that can take place.  Even after playing in beta events, I still haven’t had an experience that was exactly the same.  Sometimes I miss an event, other times I find one that I’ve never taken part in before.  I’ve found them all by exploring, and by taking different paths I’ve discovered different things.




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