《Novus Aeterno》:2012PAX应最具创意奖 开发者称该游戏是名副其实的MMORTS

2012-09-11 1591

《Novus Aeterno》是2012PAX中最具有创意游戏的赢家,这里有几条原因:这是一款即将上线的游戏,涉及MMO和RTS的核心概念。来一起看看《Novus Aeterno》的消息,可以参与进来讨论:

5年以来,这款游戏最终准备好登上世界的舞台,来和这些大男孩一较高下,当然,只是一点。自从《Novus Aeterno》不仅仅是MMO以来这个决定就非常艰难。同样的,它也不仅仅是RTS。这游戏是这两者完美的组合,它将真正带来持久的巨大的实时策略在线体验,反之亦然。




Novus Aeterno was our winner for Most Innovative Game at PAX Prime 2012 for good reason: It's an up-and-comer that will shake both MMO and RTS genres to their very core. Keep reading to find out why. Been following Novus Aeterno? Let us know what you think of it in the comments.

Five years later, the game is finally ready to debut on the world stage and compete against the big boys, well, sort of. It’s hard to pigeonhole Novus Aeterno since it really isn’t exactly “just” and MMO. Similarly, it is not “just” an RTS. It is the best of both put together to truly bring the persistent massive online experience to real time strategy and vice versa.

“A lot of developers claim to be ‘MMORTS’”, Nick said, “but they aren’t really. We are.”



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