《激战2》:游戏检查导致Grind原因 有意移除该板块

2012-09-12 2082






Players often complain about the grind in most MMOs today. It's not totally without reason either. Guild Wars 2 seemed to be ready to remove the grind. How has ArenaNet succeeded in this department? Read our latest Guild Wars 2 column to see what we think before adding your ideas in the comments.

I’m not the only player that hates, and fears, the grind. I’m also not the only player that has made my opinion vocal.  ArenaNet has heard the angry growls of the players, and tried to find a way to fix this issue in Guild Wars 2.  So have they taken the grind out of the picture?

The answer is yes, and no.  While playing since launch, I’ve taken a lot of notes about this subject, as it’s one of the major factors that can just drain the fun right out of a game.  It seems that ArenaNet has tackled the grind, taking steps to see what causes grinding, and taking actions to weaken its strong grasp on the leveling process.



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