《Pirate 101》:游戏于9月19日预售 10月初正式发布 部分测试玩家可参加一周的开端体验

2012-09-18 2496

KingsIsle宣布了游戏未来的标题:《Pirate 101》,这将会在10月初正式发布,而且游戏会在9月19日预售。预售包将会允许玩家提早进入游戏。

当游戏《Pirate 101》发布时,参与测试的玩家中购买Boochbeard包和Gandry包的人将会得到一周的游戏开端体验机会。其余的玩家必须等到这周过去才能开始游戏,到时《Pirate 101》才会完全对公众开放。这一周的开端体验将给那些玩家先于别人完成任务享受过程的机会。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供各类热门游戏点卡销售,充值等服务,应用尽有,放心选购。


KingsIsle has announced that its forthcoming title, Pirate 101, will launch in 'early October' and that presales for the game will begin on Talk Like a Pirate Day (naturally!), September 19th. Presale bundles will allow players early access to the game.

When the Pirate101 game launches, Beta players and people who bought the Boochbeard or Gandry Bundle will get a one week Head Start on the game. The rest of the public will have to wait until the one week Head Start is over, and then Pirate101 will be available to everyone. This one week Head Start gives players to get a chance to quest and progress in the game before everyone else.

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