《子午线59》:经典游戏重现 游戏新增Post-Mortem事件

2012-09-19 5113

GDC-Online宣布了体现了游戏《子午线59》(《Meridian 59》)特点的一个新事件,这是游戏的设计师Damion Schubert仔细研究并动手设计的MMO,在原来的基础上又发展了很多。

设计创造游戏游戏有15个年头了,Schubert在在线游戏行业里设计过许多大型的作品,《子午线59》(《Meridian 59》)、《模拟人生 OL》(《Sims Online》)、《魔剑》(《Shadowbane 》)和《星球大战:旧共和国》(《Star Wars: The Old Republic》)。

《子午线59》是在1996年秋天上线的,这是首个挑战月卡收费模式的3D效果的游戏,开创了我们所熟知的MMORPG时代。他是《子午线59》的首席设计师,为互动游戏奠定了基础和原型,类似于《无尽的任务》(《EverQuest》)和《魔兽世界》(《World of Warcraft》)等大型游戏尽是效仿其后。在目前的网络环境下,代理IP 孕育而生很好的解决了用户对网速的要求这一难题

Meridian 59.jpg

GDC-Online has announced the inclusion of a new event that will feature Meridian 59's Lead Designer Damion Schubert giving insight into the groundbreaking MMOs development and much more. 

A creator and designer of games for more than fifteen years, Schubert has worked on some of the biggest titles in the online space, including Meridian 59, Sims Online, Shadowbane and Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Meridian 59 was released commercially in the fall of 1996, it was the first to charge a monthly fee, use 3D graphics, and began an era that set the stage for the MMORPG genre as we know it.His pioneering work as lead designer on Meridian 59 at Archetype Interactive laid the groundwork for titles like EverQuest, World of Warcraft and thousands of others.

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