《行星边际2》:游戏会员模式正在热议中 “付费赢游戏”受到质疑

2012-09-20 4211

Matt Higby在《行星边际2》(《PlanetSide 2》)的论坛上发表了一篇帖子称将要向玩家开放的会员模式团队正在研讨。帖子仔细说明了关于“付费来赢得胜利”的含义和怎样运行,而且他认为《行星边际2》的会员模式也不应该被这么定义。来看看他的一些想法:



Matt Higby has a new post on the PlanetSide 2 forum about the ongoing discussion about the membership model that will be offered to players. He begins the post with a long train of thought about what Pay to Win means and how he feels that the PlanetSide 2 membership model should not be considered as such.

In Planetside 2 we don’t restrict your character from any type of gameplay based on paying money. No weapon, vehicle, attachment, continent, class or certification is unavailable to you as a free player. Everything and anything that can affect gameplay is available to unlock through gameplay. This is a big deal. It would be extremely easy for us to make tanks and aircraft restricted to members only, it would be very easy for us to sell exclusive guns on the marketplace for Station Cash. We wouldn’t do those things because we have a commitment to ensuring that the game remains legitimately competitive.

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