《Theralon》:打破传统 被冠名为“真实的沙盒”MMORPG

2012-09-21 3164



这周我们将要带大家来先睹这款新的独立的沙盒MMORPG《Theralon》。关于这款MMO你真的有很多需要了解一下,我们很高兴能够在开发早期就发现这种游戏。如果你想进入网页你将会看到:《Theralon》被称为一款“真实的沙盒”MMO。最棒的设计师游戏在浏览器上运行(也要有一个独立的客户端)需要建立在CryEngine 3的基础上。我们可以看到游戏的画面和一些设置简直太棒了!我们仔细看看,这里还是有一些细节你要留意。现在我们只是提前几个月大概地了解了它(也只有这时我们才能这么说),到时候我们再好好研究吧!专业玩家网-新一代游戏交易平台,游戏帐号交易,游戏代练交易,是最安全的游戏交易平台。


Theralon is billed as a "true sandbox" MMORPG and developers seem to be on the right track. See what we've discovered about this up and coming MMO in our first look preview. Leave us your thoughts in the comments. 

This week we wanted to give you an early look at the new indie sandbox MMORPG Theralon. There are a few things about this upcoming MMO you really need to know, and we love finding out about games like this early on in development. If you go to the website you will see that Project: Theralon is titled as a true Sandbox MMO. The best part is that the game runs in the browser (as well as having a standalone client) and yes, it is built on the CryEngine 3. The graphics and bit of gameplay we have seen are fantastic. But let’s get to the details: here are a few things about Theralon you should absolutely pay attention to. We only learned a little bit at our first-look preview months ago (we’re only now allowed to talk about it), but let’s dive into what we do know.

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