《激战2》:北美和欧盟透露排队队列数据 呼吁玩家们注意参战地区要平衡

2012-09-22 3151

ArenaNet的Mike Ferguson对北美和欧盟的《激战2》(《Guild Wars 2》)WVW的队列规模都进行了一下概览,对每个PvP战区进行了一个为期四天的统计。







ArenaNet's Mike Ferguson has posted a graphic look at the queue sizes for Guild Wars 2 worlds in both the EU and in North America. Data was collected for each world over a four day period and shows the length of lines for each of the PvP battle zones. 

We thought these charts would be useful information for people to see, as it helps illustrate why some worlds have much longer waits than others. Hopefully it will also help some people decide to leave some of those higher population worlds for one of the worlds with smaller (or no) queues, which would reduce the queue pressure on the overloaded world and help provide more manpower for the smaller world.

Some other information we gathered from this timespan:

1、Almost 30% of the total players who logged into the game queued up for WvW

2、About 3% of the total players who logged in and queued never got in.

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