《Tamer Saga》:游戏已经发布私人坐骑系统 可更新9次新坐骑

2012-09-24 2784

《Tamer Saga》游戏开发团队宣布说一个新的“私人坐骑系统”(“personal mount system”)已经在游戏里发布。25级以上的玩家可以排队等候,最终将领取一份坐骑奖品。坐骑可以更新9次。


玩家们只需要点击Event Envoy并完成25级的“Personal Mount”任务来获得这个系统。他们能享受更换9次不同形状坐骑的权利。每更新一次,一个坐骑的属性就会被加强。改变一个坐骑的形状不会影响它的额外属性和移动速度。假如玩家想把一个9级的坐骑升级性能,这时就需要用一颗升级宝石。想要交换到升级宝石就要到“暮光之城”(“Twilight City”)的NPC “Stuff Changer”去试试。无论如何,玩家们需要准备足够的“坐骑更新碎片”(“Mount Upgrade Shard”)和“坐骑更新晶体”(“Mount Upgrade Spar”),这样才能打败阵地的怪兽,才可以直接在商城购买。专业玩家网-新一代游戏交易平台,游戏帐号交易,游戏代练交易,是最安全的游戏交易平台。


The Tamer Saga team has announced that a new 'personal mount system' has been released into the game. Players of level twenty-five plus can embark on a quest line that will ultimately lead to the rewarding of a mount. Mounts can also be upgraded up to nine times.
Players just need to visit the Event Envoy and complete the level 25 quest “Personal Mount” to activate the system. They are able to enjoy 9 grades of new mounts with distinct shapes in each grade. A mount’s attributes will be enhanced each time it upgrades. Transforming a mount’s shape won’t affect a mount’s additional attributes and movement speed. An Upgrade Gem is needed if players would like to enhance a level 9 mount to a higher grade. Detailed Upgrade Gems can be exchanged with the NPC “Stuff Changer” in the Twilight City. However, players need to prepare enough “Mount Upgrade Shard” and “Mount Upgrade Spar” which can be obtained by defeating monsters in the field or directly being purchased from the Mall.

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