《龙之召唤2》:9月25日公测 热议游戏是否是《龙1》的续集

2012-09-24 2810

Gamedp宣布了《龙之召唤2》(《Dragon's Call II》)的公测时间从9月25日星期二开始。另外,开发团队报告了一个在论坛里非常火的辩论,关于《龙之召唤2》是否真的是一个续集,还是“只是和前一版差不多”的问题。




Gamedp has announced that the open beta for Dragon's Call II is slated to begin on Tuesday, September 25th. Additionally, the team is reporting a spirited forum debate about whether or not Dragon's Call II is a true sequel or just "more of the same".

Players even argue about “Beginning of the End”, the slogan of DCII, which means DCII is another beginning of DC end. Some are disagree with the title. “Why not make it a separate one, another slogan and all, and let DC slowly descend into the abyss.” However, the truth is that, DC II based off all the base lore of DC even if with stuff added, new systems, and a different style of play in how the battle system and stuff like that.” Both do have the connection and disconnection, while the world is much more beautiful in DCII. But it does matter much that it is sequel or prequel.

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