《科南时代》:9月26日独家直播Bill Murphy分享MMO设计理念

2012-09-25 3469

想把自己的创意加入一个MMO地下城的设计吗?Bill Murphy将会加入《科南时代》(《Age of Conan》)的主创团队,他将会分享一些流行MMO地下城的设计理念。这次独家直播将会第一时间被报道,这是关于《科南时代》里一个新的即将上线的地下城的,游戏还发布了新的《龙脊的秘密》这一篇章。你将会第一时间看到宏伟的地下城区域的。




Want to get inside the minds of an MMO designer when design a dungeon? Bill Murphy will be joined by members of the Age of Conan development team, who will share some of the secrets behind what it takes to craft a dungeon experience for a modern MMO. This exclusive live video stream will also be the first reveal of a new playable dungeon coming to Age of Conan with the new Secrets of the Dragon's Spine free content updates. You will get the first look at one of the great new dungeon areas.
Join in on Wednesday, at 6 pm EDT as we chat about the process of making MMO content, and take some questions live from those tuning in to the MMORPG.com live stream.

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