《激战2》:每天都在升级 玩家透露游戏升级另一途径

2012-09-26 3794

在大多数MMO里,闯关是升级的主要途径。这同样也适用于《激战2》(《Guild Wars 2》),但是这游戏里面有另一种令人满意的升级方法。今天我们就带大家来新鲜一下:




In most MMOs, questing is the main way to level. It is also part of Guild Wars 2 but there are other ways to gain experience in the game that are equally satisfying. In today's Guild Wars 2 column, we take a look at some of the great ways to keep on levelin'! Read on!

Other MMOs give experience for doing just about anything, and Guild Wars 2 continues that tradition.  From finding points of interest, waypoints, and areas of the map, you get experience.  This allows the players that love to explore to gain some experience while they take a break from events and missions.  Let’s face it; we all need a break from killing once in a while.  Now you can’t reach level 80 just by exploring, but when you combine it with questing it gives you a nice boost to your experience gain.

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