《第九大陆》:《毁灭帝国》资料片上线 游戏快速更新可以使玩家保持兴趣

2012-09-29 3505

《第九大陆》(《Continent of the Ninth Seal》),也就是《C9》,最近更新了资料片《毁灭帝国》(《The Ruined Empire》)。我们有机会来前瞻一下这次的新内容。




Continent of the Ninth Seal, or C9, recently expanded with The Ruined Empire. We've got a hands on preview of the new content so keep reading! Let us know what you think in the comments.

It seems like just last week I was taking Continent of the 9th, or C9, for a spin in my review and now here I am checking out an expansion for it already. I know a lot of people don’t tend to like when expansions or DLC come out too quickly. They feel like that is content which could have been included in the initial release and the company is just trying to milk extra money out of the community. In some cases that may very well be, but personally I’m a fan of as much DLC and expansion content as I can get my grubby little mitts on, especially with an MMO. We fly through content so fast these days that it is hard to keep MMOs fresh and inviting without regular additions and updates. So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, C9’s new expansion, The Ruined Empire. I’ve been taking it for a spin lately and here’s what you can look forward to.

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