
2012-10-05 4351

《激战2》(《guild wars 2》)博客更新了一篇帖子,让玩家初步了解到arenanet是怎样计划来保持tyria是一个活生生、会呼吸的动态世界的。为了达到这个目的,arenanet创建了几个团队来保持游戏的新鲜感,并在持续的更新和发展,而不是一直只靠一个团队。




4、pvp /电子竞技:形成一个竞争性的pvp气氛并创建新的pvp特性;





The Guild Wars 2 blog has been updated with a new post that gives players a bit of insight into how ArenaNet plans to keep Tyria a living, breathing, dynamic world. To do so, rather than have just one live team, ArenaNet has created several teams to keep the game fresh, constantly updated and much more.

1、Live Security Team: Chasing down botters, account hacks and spammers

2、Live Response: Addresses balance issues, game bugs, customer feedback

3、Living World: Charged with creating new content

4、PvP / eSports: Creates a competitive PvP atmosphere and charged with creating new PvP features

5、Holidays and Events: Creating new events, both in out of game

6、Mac & Performance: Improving the Mac client and making sure GW2 can be played on the widest variety of systems possible

7、Bonus teams: The mystery folks created as needed

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