《灭国战争》:游戏第四次封测火热进行中 工作人员谈第一印象

2012-10-06 3314

今天我们来关注Petroglyph的《灭国战争》(《End of Nations》)最终封测活动。RTSGuru网的全体员工为了它已经辛苦工作好一阵了,想知道这些员工对游戏的第一印象是什么吗?一起来看看!




The final closed beta event for Petroglyph's End of Nations is here. The staff over at RTSGuru.com has been toiling around inside its many game modes, and they've got their staff's first impressions to share. Check it out at RTSGuru.com.

The first thing that impressed me about End of Nations was not the friendly UI, or integrated videos to teach me, nor even the ease of getting straight into the action. It was the menu. Yep, the menu threw me back to the days when I played Defcon, a game over nuclear war and consisted of a map of the world in the style of some 80's console. The main menu in EON offers the blue glow of the world with lit up areas of events and a dashboard seamlessly melding in at the top. I wonder what this says about me when I get excited over something so trivial.

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