《激战2》:即将发布的PvP更新 比赛和竞技场新增特性

2012-10-10 3190

ArenaNet的Jonathan Sharp在《激战2》(《Guild Wars 2》)写了一篇新的博文,主要阐述了对于即将上线的一些PvP的新特性。他概括了付费和免费的自动化PvP比赛、定制竞技场的信息,还讨论了为什么开发团队选择了要改动这些方面。下面看看博客选段:





ArenaNet's Jonathan Sharp has penned a new developer blog on the official Guild Wars 2 site that details some of the incoming changes to the PvP feature. He outlines both paid and free automated PvP tournaments, custom arenas, and why the team has chosen these features over other changes to PvP.

We hear a lot of the things you’ve asked for.  And the truth is, a lot of the features you want will be added in the future. Just because we don’t do everything you want, exactly when you want it, does not mean we aren’t listening. There’s a ton of stuff we want tell you about – just not yet. The features we’re adding now will go a long way in helping the sPvP community grow, but there’s still more to do. Again, we don’t like talking about features until we’re ready to show them.  We don’t like empty promises, and we know you don’t either. But, at the same time, we do want you to know that other features are coming!  We’re trying to strike that balance in this blog post.

So why are we adding paid tournaments and custom arenas first? Why not other features first?

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