《仙境传说OL》;《War of Emperium》已经正式发布 游戏将开放所有领域和城堡

2012-10-11 4613

Gravity Interactive宣布说最新的《仙境传说OL》(《Ragnarok Online》)版本已经正式发布,叫做《War of Emperium》。此次版本将会每周更新一次,在今年六月才运行的《仙境传说OL》的服务器上发布周战竞技场。


“经典的服务器现在已经发布《War of Emperium》了,在这个游戏测试的三个阶段里,我们开放所有的领域和城堡,同时也会开放公会地下城,”Gravity Interactive的《仙境传说OL》制作人Jason “Heimdallr” Koerperich说。“随着《War of Emperium》里所有城堡的发布,城堡主权争夺战,城堡经济将会火热起来,这也可以提高它的防御力,拾取宝藏能力并且增加通过公会地下城的几率。”最新最全的热门游戏 ,全球最大的游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!


Gravity Interactive has announced that the latest update to Ragnarok Online has officially launched. Called War of Emperium, the update brings weekly guild versus guild competitions on the "classic" Ragnarok Online server that launched this past June.

“Classic server is now ready to launch War of Emperum, over the course of three test WoEs we have opened up all of the realms and castles, as well as the guild dungeons,” says Producer Jason “Heimdallr” Koerperich, Ragnarok Online Producer at Gravity Interactive. "With the launch of full WoE castle holding guilds will be able to invest in a castles economy, improve its defenses, pick up treasure, and access the guild dungeon!”

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