《海盗101》:玩家自己抉择命运 塑造自己的海盗形象

2012-10-11 3245

KingsIsle上周发布了它的第二个主要的MMO,就是适合全家游戏的《海盗101》(《Pirate101》),是KingsIsle的第一个游戏《巫师学院101》(《Wizard101》)的姐妹篇。过去这几天我已经 扮演体验了海盗的生活,想和大家分享一下。你也来加入我们的讨论吧!


就像之前的《巫师学院101》一样,游戏开始是向玩家介绍故事背景,看起来是一个互动的过程。你是一个孤儿(你还要选择一下你是如何变成孤儿的),你被抓住,被囚禁在一条船上。你被一群罪犯救出(这个你也要选一下)。当然,“罪犯”在《海盗101》里比John Gacy更加具有罗宾汉血性……毕竟这是一个各个年龄阶层都适合的游戏。你所选做的任何的选择都将决定你将扮演什么样的海盗,并且还影响你以后在战斗里会拥有什么技能。这是一个很好的有助于游戏新手学习的游戏,而且开阔的战斗场景组建起了和罪恶的Armada抗争的舞台。游戏工作室想要找到VPN代理及免费vpn代理可关注值得大家信赖的专业玩家网相关版块


KingsIsle launched its second major MMO last week with the release of the family-friendly Pirate101, companion to KI's inaugural title, Wizard101. We've been playing a bit o'piratey goodness this past coupla days and have some thoughts to share with ye. Be checkin' it out then leave yer scrawl in the comments. YARR!

Like W101 before it, the game begins with players detailing their background and looks through an interactive tutorial.  You're an orphan (and can choose how you became one), and you were caught and imprisoned on the ship you're being rescued from for one of many crimes (which you also choose from).  Of course the "crimes" in P101 are more Robin Hood than John Gacy... this is an all-ages game after all.  Whatever you choose helps determine what sort of pirate you are and what skills you'll have in combat.  It's a nice way for novices of any age to be welcomed into the game, and the opening combat scene sets the stage for the conflict with the villainous Armada.

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