《反抗军》:Nathan Richardsson宣布就任游戏执行制作人

2012-10-12 2822

Trion Worlds宣布了Nathan Richardsson正式被任命为《反抗军》(《Defiance》)游戏执行制作人。Richardsson带来了很多他在开发游戏《星战前夜》(《EVE Online》)、《黑暗世界》(《World of Darkness》)和《DUST 514》的经验和知识。


Richardsson的职责将会包含带领Syfy和Trion的合作,同时在游戏发布前推动游戏整体的创意方向。他带来了许多指挥在线游戏开发的成果经验,在CCP时,Richardsson带领高级执行生产并任全球产品管理400人团队的经理,和各个有关部门与合作伙伴建立联系,不断修改产品策略、效果和确定方向。这些Richardsson将会报告给开发部副总裁Nick Beliaeff。专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDK,VPN代理,来这里,是你最正确的选择!


Trion Worlds has announced that Nathan Richardsson has been named as the Executive Producer for Defiance. Richardsson brings a wealth of gaming knowledge to the table with his history working on EVE Online, World of Darkness and DUST 514. 

Richardsson responsibilities will include leading the collaboration between the Trion development team and Syfy, while driving the overall creative direction of the game through launch. He brings more than a decade of production experience and a passion for helming massive online game development. While at CCP, Richardsson drove Senior and Executive production and product management of a global team of 400 people with stakeholders from all divisions within as well as external partners to establish and continuously revise product strategy, vision and direction. Richardsson will report to Nick Beliaeff, SVP of Development.

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