《星战前夜OL》:《Retribution》制作团队大揭秘 12月4日正式露面

2012-10-13 3389

CCP games发布了一个最新预告片,将视角集中在Reykjavik办公室并介绍了团队负责的冬季副本《Retribution》。游戏的资料片将在12月4日正式发布给玩家,敬请期待!专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDK,VPN代理,来这里,是你最正确的选择!

CCP games has released a new trailer that takes viewers on a tour of the offices in Reykjavik and introduces the team in charge of the Winter Expansion, Retribution. The expansion is set to be released to EVE Online players on December 4th. Check it out!

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