《奇迹OL》:游戏最近发布eX700 Plus补丁

2012-10-15 4413

《奇迹OL》(《MU Online》)的玩家一定想来看看游戏最新的更新,叫做eX700 Plus,这个补丁带来了巨大的变动,包括一个最高游戏级别的增加,用户界面重新设计,还有独一无二的强大物品等等。



MU Online players will want to check out the latest update to the game. Called eX700 Plus, the patch brings big changes to the game including a level cap increase, a user interface redesign, powerful unique items and more.

Additionally, User Interface will be redesigned based on players’ feedback for the convenience of players. Players will be able to easily check the Health Point of Monsters and party members with the new status bars, and there will be several other improvements such as more visible speech bubbles.

Meanwhile, together with the update there will be events such as experience boost and item giveaway promotion worth $200 through its partners.

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