《战机世界》: GDC Online游戏空中混战大讨论 重视制作精良度

2012-10-17 3707

在上周Austin举办的的GDC Online上,我们找到了战网(Wargaming.net)的Victor Kisly来讨论关于《战机世界》(《World of WarPlanes》)这款即将正式发布的空中游戏里的空中混战。来看看我们都带来了哪些信息,你可以就此发表评论。




During last week's GDC Online in Austin, we managed to catch up to Wargaming.net's Victor Kislyi to talk about World of WarPlanes and about dog fighting in the aerial combat game prepping for official launch. See what we discovered and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

We talked about World of Warplanes and where the game sits this close to launch. Victor explained that the acquisition of BigWorld (a recent technology purchase) has helped them a lot on the building the game. They now have an engine they can modify and work with which gives them a much faster time to make changes. The biggest challenge continues to be the controls of the game and they want to make sure that all planes fly well and more importantly fight well. The Warplanes team is heavily focused on gameplay and polish right now. They want the look and feel of flying a plane to be a great experience even for casual players. The team has been doing endless tests and tweaks to get it right.

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