
2012-10-17 3172

Trion Worlds和《反抗军》(《Defiance》)制作团队发布了一支新视频,主要展示了游戏的PvP方面。这个视频也让大家对开放世界的PvP世界一饱眼福,它不受地图设计的界限限制。当然,玩家在玩PvE模式的时候也是如此。当你的角色前进时,无论你玩不玩,一切(技能、武器等等)都会一直跟着你的角色走。游戏里的动作设计更是令人大饱眼福啊!快来感受一下!最新最全的 国外游戏下载相关资讯、经验、信息,运营状况, 最新客户端下载尽在专业玩家网

Trion Worlds and the Defiance team have released a brand new video diary focusing on the PvP aspect in the game. Included is a great look at open world PvP, unconstrained by map design boundaries. It's the same experience as those who are involved in PvE. As you advance your character, everything (abilities, weapons, etc.) goes with your character no matter how you play). It's a great look packed with in-game action. Check it out!

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