《星际公民》:Chris Roberts携力作重返游戏界 打响银河战役

2012-10-17 3140

上周,Chris Roberts带着他的力作《星际公民》(《Star Citizen》)回来了!我们在上周的GDC Online对他进行了相应的采访,一起来看看吧!


当GDC Online看起来波澜不惊之时,Chris Roberts的到来打破了这里的安静。Chris因为他的一款《银河飞将》(《Wing Commander》)被称为游戏传奇,20世纪90年代末,尽管那是一个优秀游戏峰出的年代,这款游戏仍然相当火爆。在获得巨大成功后,Chris转战荧屏退出了游戏界。但是,他和我们透露说,他从未停止去关注去玩视频游戏。多年以后的现在,Roberts带着《星际公民》重返银河系,这是一款深入银河世界,讲述飞船、宇宙空间站的单人选项在线战争游戏。游戏提供了许多玩家并且开放的电影艺术让我们领略到了它的魅力。专业玩家网为你提供最便宜的游戏CDK,VPN代理,来这里,是你最正确的选择!


Last week, Chris Roberts came out swinging with his blockbuster announcement of Star Citizen. We managed to catch up with Chris at GDC Online last week to talk about the game and much more. Keep reading!

While GDC Online may have seemed quiet to some, it was not quiet for Chris Roberts. Chris is a game design legend known mostly for Wing Commander, a very popular game in the late 1990s which many view as one of the top space combat games of all time. After much success Chris moved on to films for a while and got out of the game busthewariness. However, he confessed to us that he has never stopped playing video games on a daily basis. Now years later, Roberts is re-entering the galaxy with Star Citizen, an in-depth galactic world with ships, space stations, single player options, and massive online battles.  The game offers a lot to players and the opening cinematics we saw at the show are breathtaking.

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