《机甲世界》:游戏封测10月26日火爆开启 公开测试码获取步骤

2012-10-18 3335




1、登陆 PlayHawken.com申请账户;

2、点击Redeem Code链接;




(3)你所申请的账户将可以兑换Alpha 2测试代码或自动被邀请参加Alpha 2测试,这意味着玩家不可以赎回此代码。

4、现在你的账户已经可以成功参加封测了!广大的游戏工作室 朋友应选择信誉较好的收货商家出货,让问题尽可能少的出现在游戏出货环节。


The Hawken team has a multi-use code for a limited number of players to use to join in on the closed beta that is scheduled to begin on October 26th. According to the community post, this is the first code give away but there's no sense in waiting! Get on it today!

Follow these steps to be invited to Closed Beta:

1、Sign into your account on PlayHawken.com.

2、Click on the Redeem Code link.

3、Enter the following code: NYCCPILOT.

(1)PLEASE NOTE: This code has a limited duration and number of uses. It will expire after Sunday, October 21.

(2)This code will grant access to all Closed Beta events.

(3)Accounts that redeemed an Alpha 2 code or participated in Alpha 2 will be automatically invited to Closed Beta, meaning these players should NOT redeem this code.

4、 Your account has now been added to Closed Beta!

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