《天使之战》:发布“血色竞技场” 非你死即我亡 竞技场上演终极残酷对决

2012-10-22 3293

Neowiz的《天使之战》(《War of Angels》)游戏上周发布了它的“血色竞技场”(“Bloody Arena”)更新,玩家们可以登陆进行10/17战争,完成PvP比赛来赢得PvP武器、装备和“血币”。




Neowiz'  War of Angels launched its "Bloody Arena" update this past week. Players can log in as of 10/17 and compete in PVP matches for pvp weapons, armor, and "blood money".  Groups of three, four, or five combatants can compete against each other in these matches.  And two brand new sets of armor and weapons can be bought with the blood money.

The rules of the Bloody Arena are simple - two teams enter, one team leaves. Groups of three, four or five combatants, above level forty are eligible to enter the arena by talking to the Combat Broker in the main city of Enes. Anything goes in the battleground, and combat doesn't stop until one team is eliminated. However, it's not over 'till it's over: fallen teammates can continue to contribute to the battle by lashing out with melee attacks on opponents from holding cells on the perimeter of the arena, where they must remain until one side is completely wiped out.

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