《第九大陆》:精美套装上线庆万圣 开启保卫万圣礼包之程

2012-10-27 2706

《第九大陆》(《Continent of the Ninth Seal》亦《C9》)准备用自己的方式来庆祝万圣节。玩家们可以雇佣南瓜骑士来保卫万圣盒子的安全,这盒子最终将可以换到令人惊喜的相关主题的装备等等很多礼品。

另外,活动期间,商城将特供万圣主题套装供玩家装备,当然,新上线的整套装备会有特殊折扣,让你的万圣之夜更加幸福开心!广大的游戏工作室 朋友应选择信誉较好的收货商家出货,让问题尽可能少的出现在游戏出货环节。


Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9) is ready to do Halloween the right way. Players can engage the Pumpkin Knight to secure Halloween boxes which will ultimately be traded in for awesome theme-related gear and more.

Additionally, there will be special offers in the item shop for players to dress-up with Halloween themed costumes only during the event period. Also, the special discount of new gear sets will make the Halloween night even sweeter.

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