
2012-10-30 3252

游戏中的Swift Windsteed模型即将上线。可能它暂时不在游戏文件列表中,但是暴雪已经在Facebook游戏迷网页上展示了它的一些截屏图片,并写上:“很快Swift Windsteed就会陪你一起自由地翱翔在天空中。”这暗示着这很可能成为另一个暴雪商城火爆的商品。其他的坐骑将会售价25美元一个(可以去看一下“Heart of Aspects”,守护巨龙之心等等。)。


Swift Windsteed



Cinder Kitten






The untextured Swift Windsteed model, has finally received its model. Perhaps it is not in the game files yet, but Blizzard has posted a screenshot on their Facebook fan page, with the comment: "Across the land or in the sky, the Swift Windsteed can soon be your ride".It indicating that this will most likely become another account-wide mount purchasable in the Blizzard Store. The price should be $25 as by every other mount (see Heart of Aspects, etc.).

Swift Windsteed

It's sad that in order to see proper mount models, you need to spend more real money on it. There are plenty of mounts that are just various recolors of re-used models. This mount has a "unique cloud" around his feed as it seems he rides on a cloud. It will as usual serve as both ground & flying mount depending on your riding skill and/or location.

Cinder Kitten

This cute fire cat model is around for a while, and it is rumored to be a purchasable pet in the Blizzard Store.Both of these will be released either in a patch before the official release of Patch 5.1, but as this patch doesn't introduce any raids and Blizzard's intention was to release more patches with lesser content more frequently, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an early deployment of Patch 5.1 on live realms very soon.

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