《无冬之夜》:社区讨论 征集玩家建议 回答问题活动开始啦

2012-11-02 2840

MMORPG网和完美世界娱乐(Perfect World Entertainment)现在一起对即将免费开放的D&D MMO《无冬之夜》(《Neverwinter》)答疑了!





MMORPG.com is partnering with Perfect World Entertainment to answer your questions (again!) on their upcoming free-to-play D&D MMO, Neverwinter.

We'll be collecting questions from you in the comments below. We do ask that you keep your questions focused on aspects of the game that have not been revealed yet that you desperately want information on!

Feel free to submit as many questions as you like -- but remember to be courteous and civil or you can pretty much guarantee we will not use your question!

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