《魔兽世界》:“Day of the Dead ”激情上线 体验阴森骨架舞

2012-11-02 2804

《魔兽世界》(《World of Warcraft》)有两天时间来参加游戏正在进行的“Day of the Dead ”的庆祝活动。这次活动更新了一些新的项目,一些新的食谱还有许多新成就。



让我们珍惜尊重这些被我们忽视的亡灵,所以他们可能会吃吃喝喝或者微笑来表示他们被关爱过。来和Catrina跳舞,你会变成一副骨架并且解锁“Dead Man's Party”成就。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最新的游戏外挂,各种资源免费下载,交流,分享您的心情!


World of Warcraft players have two days to take part in the Day of the Dead celebrations that are ongoing throughout the game world. There are new activities to participate in, new recipes and achievements and much more.

Dance with Catrina

Let us cherish and honor the ghostly presence of those we have lost, so that they might eat and drink and smile and know that they are loved. Dance with Catrina, and you will be transformed into a skeleton and unlock the [Dead Man's Party] achievement.

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